Sunday, December 30, 2007

Internet Marketing

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Brand new!

Meet a little kiddie called Keyword Elite.

And it does live up to its name. You remember when you had a light bulb moment as a whole new stream of possibilities opened up for you, well that’s what happened to me, when I watched the training videos for this.

The first thing that struck me was the incredible amount of time that could be saved by using this tool. It does in seconds, yes, seconds what it would take human beings hours upon hours to do, and we all know that Internet Marketing can be a time consuming business!

So for more time freedom, and quite possibly more financial freedom, read on.

There’s 5 projects here.

Here’s how it goes briefly.
Project 1
You can create a huge list of keyword lists. You select if you would like the results to come from google,, yahoo, overture, even wordtracker if you have an account.

Let’s do a search on internet marketing.

You can sort by word count, or alphabetically, get it to show phrases with certain words in (or not), you can remove unwanted characters.

Basically, you can sort super quickly and with precision the keywords that you want. Within about 3 minutes, you can whitle it down to 3 or less. Easy.

Then you can, using the final words you selected, you can create a google campaign, by a simple click of a button, click on it, fill in the details, and hey presto. It also lets you see who else is running an ad on google with the same keywords.

That’s a pretty powerful start, but we haven’t even begun yet!

Project 2
Here we can analyse PPC listings, here, we can check out the comptition, and find good niche markets.

You can find out here how much each advertiser is paying per click in the various search engines, including the top bids. You can see which websites in google contain these keywords in their tags, so see how the websites are doing in the free listings.

This would take a human hours to do, here, it is done in seconds.

You can see the KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index), as well, you can see how many clicks a day your compeditor is getting, and how many campaigns in total are running.

You can compare phrase match and broad match.

And you can view your compeditors ad on the web!

But there’s more. Much more.

Project 3
Do you make money with adsense? You can create adsense pages, yes, the actual pages on Keyword Elite. Remember, on adwords, the high paying clicks attract good commissions when clicked. You not only know which are the most profitable keywords, AND you have adsense pages optimised with them- Keyword Elite goes out and finds articles based on the keywords you need, which you can use as optimised content on your site or blog! Select a template, and you’re good to go.

More? Yes?

Project 4

How would you like to analyse competition, and see the top ranked websites in google? Actually SEE the sites you want to check out. You can analyse the top 5 websites or the top 100, or anything inbetween. You can see just how well optimised they are, you will be able to see it exactly, in detail.

Project 5
Here you can see who is bidding on each keyword, and how much, or if no one is bidding at all. You can tell if it’s an affiliate of the site or the owner of it.
You can set it to check the keywords daily, monthly and weekly as well, to keep tabs on good selling keywords, and find out which ones are not working.

I think this software is unique to the internet

All in all I think this is one of the finest products I have ever seen. It saves hours of time, and allows the most targeted research possible. Highly recommended.

Oh, and there’s a friendly forum as well. A very valuable investment.

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Is there a supplement with EVERYTHING?

As someone who gets confused with all the contradictory information on the internet about health- amino acids, enzymes, nucleic acids- more of this food, less of that- aaaargh, it’s enough to drive you mad. I wondered, if there was a supplement, which pretty much contained everything..

Read on..


It’s all about the frequensea! Our bodies need all the necessary elements to perform as nature intended. Left to its own devices, the human body has a marvellous system called homeostasis which keeps all systems in balance.

Take away some critical component and the body experiences malfunctions that cause suboptimal performance. Too many malfunctions cause disease. This seems obvious of course.
Frequensea can help. Lots.

Did you know that there are tiny organisms with the ability to convert sunlight, warmth, water and minerals into protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and amino acids. Scientists say this was the beginning of life!

Phytoplankton are the single-cell plants are the basis of all other life forms on planet earth, they are the ‘vegetation’ of the ocean.Phytoplankton are responsible for making up to 90% of Earth’s oxygen.So breathe easy.

Think eating plankton is nerdy, wanna argue with these guys?

Blue whales, bowhead whales, baleen whales, gray whales, humpbacks, and right whales all eat plankton. These species live between 80 and 150 years old and maintain great strength and endurance throughout their lives. The largest fish a plankton eating whale shark lives for over 150 years, grows up to 14 metres long, weights up to 15 tons, and is sexually active until it dies.Not bad eh! (and they do say it’s all about the frequensea:)

Phytoplankton has been dubbed the milk of mother earth, and doctors have commented that it contains in a concentrated form all that is needed to sustain a healthy life.Not bad eh?The body heals itself when given the right nutrition….…and nothing nutrifies the body like Frequensea.
Get more details on Frequensea by clicking below:

Get 6 pack abs, and avoid all the deceptive myths

5 Things You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs
This is a productby Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)

1. Many so-called “health foods” are actually cleverly disguised junk foods that can actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat… yet the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you so they can maximize their profits.

2. Ab exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, and ab machines are actually the LEAST effective method of getting flat six pack abs. We’ll explore what types of exercises REALLY work in a minute.

3. Boring repetitive cardio exercise routines are NOT the best way to lose body fat and uncover those six pack abs. I’ll tell you the exact types of unique workouts that produce 10x better results below.

4. You DON’T need to waste your money on expensive “extreme fat burner” pills or other bogus supplements. I’ll show you how to use the power of natural foods in more detail below.

5. Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks… they’re all a complete waste of your time and money. Despite the misleading infomercials, the perfectly chiseled fitness models in the commercials did NOT get their perfect body by using that “ab contraption”… they got their perfect body through REAL workouts and REAL nutrition strategies. Again, you’ll learn some of their secrets and what really works below.

This is selling very well at the moment, Mike offers a free report, and has cleverly split it into 2- men and women, recognising that our bodies operate differently.

Click Here for more details